Fabulous message on kindness from Daily Word!! Kindness is a choice. It costs nothing, yet it is wonderfully fulfilling. When I treat others with kindness, I feel better about myself. Every act of kindness - large or small - produces joy, peace, and happiness. Any...
5 Great Reasons to Practice Yoga
I am so blessed to have begun my yoga practice in 2003, and have been doing it ever since...and I LOVE YOGA! It's hard to imagine my life without it as it has helped to calm my mind in times of turmoil (not easy to do!). The hardest part for me was always at the end...
Find the Light in the Darkness
At some point in our lives (or several), we must deal with the "valley of despair" mentioned below. As with the changing seasons, all living things go through cycles of birth and death...and through this, we grow and learn and become better versions of ourselves......
The Candida Depression Connection
I believe that there is a huge link between fungal imbalance (which is very rampant in our society) and many health issues - not the least of which is depression. I know that it can be difficult to relate to the statement in the article below about how what's going...
The Mythology Of Science-Based Medicine
Every now and then someone asks me about the science behind natural healing. The answer is not a brief one, primarily because it contradicts belief systems that have been embedded into us since childhood from the primary medical model in the US. This is a good...
Earthing can reduce inflammation
Getting your bare feet on earth is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to reduce inflammation in the body. I also recommend it for helping your body to adjust to time zones (ie jet lag) in my book: Travel Balance. Earthing, the process of obtaining a sense of...
Natural hypertension remedies that quickly lower blood pressure
Good insight for those that struggle with high blood pressure. The first thing I suggest is to drink more purified water. The problem with blood pressure medications is that they do not correct the underlying issue of the problem. Imagine you have a car with a...
Tech Neck
There are some major drawbacks to our overuse of technology. The constant texting and overall cell phone/tablet use is taking it's toll on the body - specifically the neck and shoulders. I am thrilled to work with a fabulous chiropractor (Dr Paul Collett) that helps...
Four reasons your autoimmune disorder won’t go away
Some core reasons for auto-immune disorders in the body. Is the body really attacking itself, or something we can't see with our tests? Auto-immune disorders are crippling the people of this planet. Whether it's celiac, Graves, Hashimoto's, multiple sclerosis,...
Two ways dental work destroys your health and how to repair the damage
If you have chronic health issues and can't find the cause, look to your teeth! I've posted several articles about this on the Blog, so search for others. This is a very well-written article that talks about the real dangers of two common dental procedures. Many of...
I Had No Idea This Was Causing Me So Much Pain!
There is a strong link between chronic pain and emotional issues. This brief article lists some of the more common relationships. The body is constantly communicating with us to help us make lifestyle changes, but sometimes we don't hear or understand what it's trying...
Sunscreen – friend or foe?
Two good articles about the use of sunscreen, both good and bad. We certainly do NOT want to get sunburned, but I agree with both of these articles in that the body will protect you from some sun exposure (as long as it is not excessive) IF you are eating a nutritious...
The conventional germ theory for disease – How It interferes with our health
How is the germ theory of disease impacting your health? Is it really true as taught in medical school, or is there another version? There is wonderful book called "The Curse of Louis Pasteur" that talks about an alternative theory of disease - one that focuses on the...
Importance Of Forgiveness – An Empowered Perspective
Forgiving others who have hurt us is so critical to healing. Great insight below to help you release this buried pain. When someone has hurt us, consciously or unconsciously, one of the most difficult things we have to face in resolving the situation is the act of...
Be Kind to Yourself
Our complex and fast-paced society can sometimes force us to be way too hard on ourselves. We really need to step back and simply be more kind to ourselves. I teach many classes for IBM all over the world, and find that regardless of the culture or geography, there...
Confucius’ Top 7 Tips for a Happy Life
Excellent list of 7 key fundamental life principles that will lead to a balanced and happy life! “It is better to play than do nothing.” “Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them.” “Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.” About 2500...
Handling Jet Lag – Excerpt From Travel Balance
One of the most popular questions I get about my book Travel Balance is around how to handle jet lag. Here is an excerpt from Chapter 5 on Adventures in Time Zones...enjoy! While it can be very exciting to travel to destinations half way around the world, the impact...
Dangers of Antidepressants and Clinical Studies
Depression can be quite challenging, but we need to consider the side effects of what these drugs might be doing as well. This type of fraudulent "science" is more common than any of us realize! I had an entirely different newsletter written for this week—taking a...
Why It’s a Good Thing to Live Beyond Age 75
Good perspective on aging and enjoying life per Scott Burns (Financial Columnist). Many of us truly have this addiction to productivity. First you have to recognize it, then you can work on balancing it with other things. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel made an important...
The money vs happiness debate: how much are you worth?
Excellent article in The Guardian about the balance between money and happiness. As we have seen from several studies (USA Today), happiness does in fact increase with money, but only to a certain point. In the US, it's around $72K per year. Having money is definitely...