Modern Lab Testing at Your Fingertips!


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Most Popular Home Health Tests

Food Sensitivity Test
Test your sensitivity to 96 commonly found foods.
Heavy Metals Test
Test levels of both essential and toxic elements that have a significant impact on health.
Vitamin D and Inflammation Test
Screen for signs of chronic inflammation and Vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D Test
Measure your personal Vitamin D levels and compare them to healthy ranges.
Thyroid Test
Test for thyroid function, which plays a major part in daily wellness, weight and energy.
HbA1c Test
This test can alert you to unhealthy sugar levels.
Sleep and Stress Test
This test measures critical sleep and stress hormones.
Cholesterol and Lipids Test
Comparable to traditional cholesterol and lipid panels with two additional markers.
Testosterone Test
Check to see if you are producing normal levels of testosterone, which may affect how you are feeling.
Men's Health Test
Compare your levels with healthy ranges across men’s most vital hormones.
Women's Health and Fertility Test
Test a variety of your instrumental hormones for women’s health and fertility.
STD Tests - Female and Male
Test for seven common STDs from the privacy of home.

Genetic Testing for Weight Loss and Healthy Aging!

Have you ever wondered why there is so much conflicting information out there?


It’s because our bodies are not all the same. There is no one-size-fits-all answer that will work for everyone!


Genetic Testing helps you understand your unique body and how best to reach your weight-loss and health goals.

Insights on Genetic Testing (Click to expand)

Genetic testing has moved into the mainstream and is the future of preventive health. In addition to the thousands of tests being offered for medical conditions and diseases, the science and research behind genetic testing related to lifestyle and wellness markers has progressed to the point of understanding the specific genes dictating how the human body processes carbohydrates, fat, protein, micronutrients, etc., and how specific genes determine the effectiveness of certain fitness activities.

With the genetic testing technology and scientific understanding of the human genome available today, it is now possible to develop individually tailored nutrition and exercise programs that are based on and tailored to your unique DNA. Only now has the cost of genetic testing come down to the point where it is feasible to use this technology for health management programs offered to the general public.

Programs tailored to an individual’s DNA have proven to be very effective. A recent study published by the European Society of Human Genetics found that dieters employing weight management programs tailored to the individual’s genome lost up to 33% more weight than those following standard, “one size fits all” weight loss programs. With the latest genomic technology, health or weight management programs can take an individual’s genetic profile into account and provide a more detailed approach to care.

Your genes determine:

  • If your body is resistant to losing weight – which tells us how aggressive we have to be.
  • How well your body metabolizes carbohydrates, proteins, and fats – which tells us whether you would be more successful using Paleo, Vegan, or Mediterranean strategies.
  • How your body responds to cardio exercise and strength building – which tells us what type of workout will give you the most bang for your buck.
  • How well your body is able to absorb some micro-nutrients – which tells us what supplements are worthy and which ones are a waste of money.
  • How well your skin, hearing, and mental acuity will handle natural aging – which tells us how aggressive to be with our preventive measures.
  • How your impulse control and taste preferences affect your ability to reach your health goals.

Kit Pricing


 With Test KitWith 23andME Data
Any Program$299$159
Any 2 Programs$449$239
All 3 Programs$549$279

To purchase a kit, click HERE and enter the amount for the kit you’d like to purchase. I’ll then send you an email with next steps on getting your test kit.

Available in the US only.


Weight Loss (GxSlim)

Click image for Sample Report

GxSlim is a weight management program that takes your unique genetic makeup into account and provides you with diet and exercise strategies that are tailored to your genotype. This is not guesswork, one-size-fits-all or a fad diet of any kind – these are the only diet and exercise recommendations you will ever need again, because they are based on your DNA.

A DNA collection kit will be sent to you or can be picked up in the office. DNA is collected through a simple cheek swab. All shipping is pre-paid. Your DNA will be analyzed to determine how your body responds to exercise and how your body processes different types of food. You will receive a comprehensive report that goes beyond conventional wisdom about healthy eating and exercise; you will receive detailed information about the diet and exercise plan that is best suited to your genetic make-up.

Click here to read about the 7 Ways Your DNA Influences Your Ability to Lose Weight

Sample Summary

Healthy Aging (GxRenew)

Click image for Sample Report

GxRenew is an innovative healthy aging program that utilizes your genetic profile to provide nutrient, food, activity and lifestyle recommendations to keep you looking and feeling young longer.  Recently published research has linked numerous aging signs to genetic predisposition, and many of these indications may be addressed with DNA-based lifestyle changes.

GxRenew analyzes 98 genetic markers (SNPs) associated with 28 health and aging traits. Each trait has a rating based on the participant’s genetic test results, along with corresponding nutrient, exercise and/or lifestyle recommendations to help the participant look and feel better, longer.

Click here to read about the 7 Ways Your DNA Affects How You Age

Sample Summary

Nutritient Absorption (GxNutrient)

Click image for Sample Report

GxNutrient provides a comprehensive analysis of your genetic predisposition to absorbing micronutrients in your diet. Even if you eat a perfectly balanced diet with plenty of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, most of us have some difficulty in absorbing one or more micronutrients at the cellular level. Understanding your genetic profile for how your body likely processes key vitamins and minerals is an important step in developing a healthy nutrition program.

GxNutrient analyzes 42 genetic markers (SNPs) associated with 15 micronutrient tendency traits. Each trait has a rating based on the participant’s genetic test results, along with corresponding nutrient recommendations.

Sample Summary

Kit Pricing


With Test KitWith 23andME Data
Any Program$299$159
Any 2 Program$449$239
All 3 Program$549$279

To purchase a kit, click HERE and enter the amount for the kit you’d like to purchase. I’ll then send you an email with next steps on getting your test kit.

Available in the US only.


What will this test do for me?
Take the guesswork out of weight loss programs! Studies have found that depending on your genetic type, you’ll be more successful at losing weight by following the specific type of diet and exercise that is most appropriate for your metabolism and risk factors. Through our genetic testing, we can identify your genetic makeup, or genotype, and then design a diet and exercise program customized to your body’s specific needs.
What can I learn from this DNA test?
  • If your body is resistant to losing weight.
  • How well your body is able to process carbohydrates in your diet.
  • How much body fat you can lose through cardio exercise.
  • How effectively your body is able to absorb folate, a B-complex vitamin that is necessary for cell growth and metabolism and is especially important for pregnant women.
  • How sensitive your body is to the amount of fat in your diet.
  • How your body responds to strength training.
  • How sensitive your body is to the amount of protein in your diet.
Stanford University Clinical Study
In a 2007 study, 311 women were randomly assigned to follow either the Atkins, Zone, LEARN, or Ornish Diets. At the end of a year, the 77 women assigned to the Atkins group had lost an average of 10.4 pounds. Those assigned to LEARN lost 5.7 pounds, Ornish followers lost 4.8 pounds and women on the Zone lost 3.5 pounds, on average.In all four groups, some women lost up to 30 pounds and kept it off for more than a year, but the biggest differences in weight loss were actually within diet groups. What accounted for these differences? Researchers analyzed whether women assigned certain diets appropriate for their genotypes lost more weight than those who followed diets not matched to their genotypes.. They concluded that women assigned to a genotype-appropriate diet lost 5.3% of their body weight compared with just 2.3% among those not matched to genotype. Within the Atkins group, for example, those appropriately assigned by genotype lost approximately 12 pounds compared with 2 pounds for those who lacked the low-carbohydrate genotype. All other groups had similar reductions in weight among those appropriately assigned by genotype. What does this mean for you? You no longer have to guess if you’ll do better on a low carb, low fat, or mixed diet. You will know the exact percentage of carbs, fats, and protein that are most beneficial for YOUR genetic type.
Will you test for any serious inherited diseases?
No. Genetic Direction focuses solely on those genes that are related to the body’s ability to process food, nutrients and physical exercise. Any DNA test performed to detect predictors for disease should be interpreted by a physician or a certified genetic counselor.
How is my personal information protected?
To prevent unauthorized access to your information, our systems are run on HIPAA-compliant architecture, employing secure servers, firewalls and encrypted back-ups. Also, unless you give us authorization to store your sample in our lab’s bio-banking facility, your DNA sample will be destroyed by the lab within 45 days of analyzing the DNA.
Will my insurance cover the cost of a genetic test?
Probably not. Most insurance companies do not yet pay for genetic tests related to health management programs. We believe they will at some point in the future, so it might be worth checking with your insurance carrier.
What information will be included in my report?
Your report will contain nutrition and exercise recommendations specific to your genetic test results (i.e., your DNA). The nutrition information will discuss in layman’s terms how much protein, carbohydrates and fat you should consume daily, as well as which micronutrients you may be at risk for being deficient in, and which foods are good sources of those micronutrients. You will learn how your body responds to fat, protein and carbohydrate intake in relation to how you’ll use them for energy, and thus, how best to eat in order to lose body fat. Your report will also indicate what your likeliness is of using fat for energy during different types of exercise. It will give you specific information about exercises that are best aligned with your genetic test results: which types of exercise, at what intensity, for how long and how often. In addition to the report, you will also have access to genotype-specific content within our secure web portal. Hundreds of videos, recipes and articles are prioritized for you based on your genotype and available to you at any time. See example reports below…
How long will it take to get my test results?
It typically takes 15 – 20 business days from when the lab receives the sample If you are doing the 23andMe tests (ie you already have your 23andMe test results) you should get your results within a day.
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