The Journey of Release

The Journey of Release

Surrendering and allowing things to unfold in perfect timing sounds REALLY good – but – can be quite challenging, especially when things don’t seem to be going the way we want. When we become overwhelmed and things are not going as planned, it is...
Are Yoga and Meditation the New Thing to Do?

Are Yoga and Meditation the New Thing to Do?

If you haven’t tried yoga or meditation yet, I would highly encourage either one (or better yet, both)! I am so thankful that I began both over 15 years ago…huge contributor to the balance that I live for daily… Nearly a third of adults and about 12...
Media Fast

Media Fast

Advancements in technology have allowed us to do some absolutely amazing things these days…but at what cost? One of those costs is the over consumption of information that can have an impact on our mental well-being (e.g. think anxiety, stress,...
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