The Candida Depression Connection

The Candida Depression Connection

I believe that there is a huge link between fungal imbalance (which is very rampant in our society) and many health issues – not the least of which is depression.  I know that it can be difficult to relate to the statement in the article below about how...
Be Kind to Yourself

Be Kind to Yourself

Our complex and fast-paced society can sometimes force us to be way too hard on ourselves. We really need to step back and simply be more kind to ourselves. I teach many classes for IBM all over the world, and find that regardless of the culture or geography, there...
Learning to Slow Down

Learning to Slow Down

Many of us tend to wear our “busy badges” with honor, as they make us feel important. The faster we race to get “everything done”, the more stressed and distressed we become. We are racing through our lives pursuing one achievement after...
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