Common Fasting Regimens Reviewed

Common Fasting Regimens Reviewed

There is quite a bit of talk these days about intermittent fasting, and other sorts of diet changes related to going for certain periods without food. This article does a good job explaining the dos and don’ts of some of the more popular options. My...
Intermittent Fasting for Health and Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting for Health and Weight Loss

Have you ever tried fasting? For some body types, this is very difficult to do. I like the approach of intermittent fasting and believe that more of us can adopt this into our lives with less issues. Basically you plan your eating into a 8 hour window…check out...
White Tea: A Drink Fit for an Emperor

White Tea: A Drink Fit for an Emperor

White tea is my favorite! From a health perspective, this is one of the most beneficial teas around… Read more in this awesome article! There is no denying that white tea is just as refreshing and beneficial as other varieties. Fragrant and refreshing with a...
Is Ghee Better Than Butter?

Is Ghee Better Than Butter?

I heard about and started using ghee a few years ago and love it! Look for it the next time you’re in the grocery store…or order online. The grass-fed version is best (as you’ll read about below). One of my favorite snacks is air popped popcorn with...
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