Pity Party

Pity Party

You can use situations that get you down to help heal patterns from long ago that need to be felt, released and healed. You must often “feel it to heal it” so that you can grow from the experience. Usually not fun – but a part of life. We all have...
Let the Tears Flow

Let the Tears Flow

Many of us were taught not to cry (especially boys) growing up. As we go through changes and growth in our lives, tears are a necessary part of releasing old patterns and traumas. I have personally been releasing some very long term emotional traumas (40+ years) and...
There is Only Now

There is Only Now

Excellent message around living in the Now – the only true reality. One of the best ways to get present is through mindfulness and meditation – quieting the mind and listening to the silence. It can be easy for us to walk through the world and our lives...
The Journey of Release

The Journey of Release

Surrendering and allowing things to unfold in perfect timing sounds REALLY good – but – can be quite challenging, especially when things don’t seem to be going the way we want. When we become overwhelmed and things are not going as planned, it is...
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