Generation Zapped

Generation Zapped

Wonderful (but scary) documentary on the dangers of all of our wireless technologies. They are definitely convenient…but at what cost?!?!? Please watch this movie – Generation Zapped – to learn more about what you can do to mitigate EMFs. Find some...
Is Your Cell Phone Harming Your Health?

Is Your Cell Phone Harming Your Health?

The penetration of wireless radiation into the human body over the last 10 years has increased dramatically! Great for internet availability, but at what price to our health? The body has never in its evolution experienced something so foreign to itself so it responds...
Cellphones Strongly Linked to Cancer

Cellphones Strongly Linked to Cancer

I truly believe that cellphones will be like cigarettes in the 1950s..back then, people knew they weren’t good for you, but it’s not like people were dying. The challenge with cellphones and many other dangerous electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), is that...
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