Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Vitamin D

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Vitamin D

Interesting insights in this brief about the links between Vitamin D deficiency and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS is one of those "catch all" diagnoses when docs aren't sure what is causing your digestive issues. Here is one possible factor - click on the LINK...

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The Heart Hears More Than Just Words

The Heart Hears More Than Just Words

Powerful message on true communication between two people...from heart to heart! The folks at HeartMath have some fabulous information to help us move more from our "brain centered" worlds to one that is more "heart centered". And, along with that shift, comes more...

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Learning to Slow Down

Learning to Slow Down

Many of us tend to wear our "busy badges" with honor, as they make us feel important. The faster we race to get "everything done", the more stressed and distressed we become. We are racing through our lives pursuing one achievement after another, but missing the point...

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Pet Anxiety

Pet Anxiety

Anxiety isn't just for people - our pets feel it too! I work with animals in my practice as well with energy balancing (biofeedback) and it really does help them in one or two sessions. We also have natural supplements that can help them to cope with certain issues....

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Eye Health – Cataracts

Eye Health – Cataracts

Excellent article that talks about some of the best options to care for your eyes. Jon talks about natural alternatives to cataract surgery that might work for some - definitely worth trying. Whole food Vitamin C (not just the isolate - or ascorbic acid, which is NOT...

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Eat Less, Live Longer?!

Eat Less, Live Longer?!

Is it possible that by eating less, we can actually prolong our life? This is a great article that asks the tough question: "Is it worth the sacrifice to eat less?" Our daily lifestyle choices - what to eat, how much to eat, exercise, stress management...truly have a...

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Reading is Fundamental to Health

Reading is Fundamental to Health

Reading is right up there with exercise in keeping your total "self" in balance. I love to read, but find myself reading more Facebook, Twitter and other newsfeeds more than books. The challenge is in keeping a balance between all of these things, as there is so much...

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The Power of Water in our Lives

The Power of Water in our Lives

Waterfalls are one of my favorite things on Earth! I love watching and listening to the water as it flows over the cliff. As the message below states, it's interesting how the type of water we most resonate with tends to relate to a big part of our life mission. For...

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Take Back Your Lunch Break!

Take Back Your Lunch Break!

Finding balance at work these days has become quite challenging and definitely requires discipline as we must prioritize breaks in our day! Check out some of the things you can do with your lunch break below... Most of us give our employers our all, day in and day...

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Things You’ll Notice Around an Empath

Things You’ll Notice Around an Empath

Many of my clients who have issues with anxiety and depression, are really just very empathic, and don't realize it. Check out some of the items on the list below, and see if some of them resonate with you. If you are really picking up other people's "energy", then...

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Be Careful What You Think!

Be Careful What You Think!

The things we think about have a HUGE effect on our emotions and happiness. Even MORE powerful are the words we SPEAK. I know it can be challenging to monitor our busy brains these days, but it is so worthwhile to consider the words you are saying to yourself, and...

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You Are Not Crazy

You Are Not Crazy

We have all felt like we are losing our minds at's part of this adventure we call life. Just know that you can get help from friends or professionals, and that "this too shall pass". Most of us feel a little crazy from time to time. Periods of high stress...

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Contracting Before Expanding

Contracting Before Expanding

Awesome inspirational message for those going through a transition in their lives...where progress is not all!! Even though we might not see any changes from our hard work, we must be assured in faith that our dreams are in fact under construction....

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Combatting Loneliness

Combatting Loneliness

Isn't it amazing that even though we are the most connected society in the history of mankind (via technology), that we are also the most lonely? Are there things we can do to help balance this? Hint: It begins with looking someone in the eye (can't do that via a...

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