Healing Requires Voltage (Energy)!

Healing Requires Voltage (Energy)!

Dr Tennant has spent years studying how the body uses voltage to heal, from the cellular level. His work is simply amazing, and after hearing him speak several times in Dallas, I am convinced that he is absolutely correct. He is an incredibly brilliant man, and was...
Who’s Driving

Who’s Driving

Life seems to be speeding up ever faster with each passing day. Who’s driving your ship of life? Many things are outside of our control, but we do have the ability to control our thoughts and intentions…which go a LONG way in determining where we end...
Living Without a Safety Net

Living Without a Safety Net

Amazing insight about the power of trusting the universe to support us even when we can’t see the outcome. It’s very challenging to move (change) toward something we desire, but that is so mired in uncertainty. This seems to be the theme these days for...
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