Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Vitamin D

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Vitamin D

Interesting insights in this brief about the links between Vitamin D deficiency and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS is one of those “catch all” diagnoses when docs aren’t sure what is causing your digestive issues. Here is one possible factor...
The Heart Hears More Than Just Words

The Heart Hears More Than Just Words

Powerful message on true communication between two people…from heart to heart! The folks at HeartMath have some fabulous information to help us move more from our “brain centered” worlds to one that is more “heart centered”. And, along...
Learning to Slow Down

Learning to Slow Down

Many of us tend to wear our “busy badges” with honor, as they make us feel important. The faster we race to get “everything done”, the more stressed and distressed we become. We are racing through our lives pursuing one achievement after...
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