Confucius’ Top 7 Tips for a Happy Life

Confucius’ Top 7 Tips for a Happy Life

Excellent list of 7 key fundamental life principles that will lead to a balanced and happy life! “It is better to play than do nothing.” “Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them.” “Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.” About 2500...
Handling Jet Lag – Excerpt From Travel Balance

Handling Jet Lag – Excerpt From Travel Balance

One of the most popular questions I get about my book Travel Balance is around how to handle jet lag. Here is an excerpt from Chapter 5 on Adventures in Time Zones…enjoy! While it can be very exciting to travel to destinations half way around the world, the...
Why It’s a Good Thing to Live Beyond Age 75

Why It’s a Good Thing to Live Beyond Age 75

Good perspective on aging and enjoying life per Scott Burns (Financial Columnist). Many of us truly have this addiction to productivity. First you have to recognize it, then you can work on balancing it with other things. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel made an important...
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