The Life Stressors Most Likely to Kill

The Life Stressors Most Likely to Kill

Super interesting study that ranks some of life’s most stressful events! The VAST majority of chronic illness (like more than 90%) is due to stress. It may be events like the ones mentioned below, or more likely a growing list of compounding daily stressors that...
Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease

Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease

There has been quite a bit of research (and many books and articles) that dispel the myth that cholesterol causes heart disease…and yet it persists. More and more people continue to be prescribed statin drugs as we lower the acceptable total cholesterol...
Low-dose Aspirin..Help or No Help?!

Low-dose Aspirin..Help or No Help?!

As time goes on, more and more researched studies are being shown to be incorrect. Taking low dose aspirin to prevent heart attacks might be the next… Please read the entire article to learn more about aspirin, statin drugs and more! In this newsletter,...
Intermittent Fasting for Health and Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting for Health and Weight Loss

Have you ever tried fasting? For some body types, this is very difficult to do. I like the approach of intermittent fasting and believe that more of us can adopt this into our lives with less issues. Basically you plan your eating into a 8 hour window…check out...
Generation Zapped

Generation Zapped

Wonderful (but scary) documentary on the dangers of all of our wireless technologies. They are definitely convenient…but at what cost?!?!? Please watch this movie – Generation Zapped – to learn more about what you can do to mitigate EMFs. Find some...
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