Frequently Asked Questions…with Answers!



What are some of the benefits that I can expect?

Many people experience increased energy and vitality, better digestion, clearer thinking, removal of food addictions, weight loss, less bloating, clearer skin, shinier hair and disappearance or lessening of past conditions (PMS, digestive programs, etc.).

Don’t our bodies have the capability to detoxify naturally?

We have systems in our bodies designed to detoxify a wide array of toxins. The number one player in these systems is the liver. If we are properly nourished, an enzyme system in our liver converts toxins into both water and bile soluble compounds that are cleared through the kidneys and released in bile. This detoxification process takes place in two steps we know of, simply designated Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Phase 1 detoxification uses specific enzymes to change chemicals that are not water-soluble into relatively water-soluble compounds in order to be removed from the body. This would be like getting your garbage packaged for pick up.  This process actually forms chemicals that are more toxic than the starting toxins and need to be converted further in Phase 2.  Phase 2 detoxification now adds chemical compounds to the compounds from Phase 1 to assist in their excretion through the kidneys, and for removal via the bile. Consider this as the garbage pickup, hopefully without spilling the garbage!

Why is there a need for detoxification?

Exposure to toxins and their damaging effects is an ever-present fact of living in a modern world.  The world’s air, water and food contain toxins that affect the health of all living things.  Food contaminants, including pesticides, microorganisms and the toxins that they produce, additives, packaging materials, hormones, and heavy metals found in food are potentially toxic to the body.  Gases and particulate matter in the air, including carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, photochemical oxidants, hydrocarbons, asbestos, metals, and radio-nuclides are also toxic to the body and can potentially cause such health conditions as lung cancer, asthma, emphysema and both acute and chronic respiratory and non-respiratory conditions.

Chemicals and metals used in daily life cause environmental pollution that results in allergic sensitization.  Pesticides used on crops pose a major health threat to the body.  Current testing methods for food contamination does not detect 50% of all pesticides used.  One needs not to look far to see the onslaught we are exposed to daily from industrial and personal wastes permeating our food, air, and water supplies.  Add to this, overwork, little to no exercise, sugar intakes that are nearly unbelievable, and an almost total lack of real food intake, and the result is a terribly overburdened, unhealthy individual.

Why use the Standard Process Purification Program?

The Standard Process Purification Program uses whole food supplements, pure food and water to give the body the resources it needs so that it can purify and rebuild itself naturally.  Remember that the toxins produced in Phase 1 are more toxic than the starting toxins, hence the need to support both Phases.  Phase 1 can be enhanced and supported by sulphorophane, indoles, and glutathione, substances found in kale and brussels sprouts.  Phase 2 can be enhanced by indoles, glutathione, and glucosinolate, substances found in broccoli, kale and brussels sprouts, and choline and inositol found in buckwheat.  All of these substances are found in the Standard Process Detoxification products.

What products do I need to take and how often?
  1. SP Cleanse: 7 capsules, 3 times per day, on an empty stomach or with an SP Complete shake, taken for the first seven days. This amounts to 1 bottle.
  2. SP Complete: 2-3 meal supplement shakes daily for the entire 3 weeks.  If consuming 1-2 shakes per day this amounts to 1 bottle, if 3 shakes per day, you’ll need 2 bottles. Minimum recommended amount is 2 shakes per day.
  3. SP Gastro-Fiber: 3 capsules, 3 times per day, on an empty stomach to assist bowel transit and function. 1 bottle lasts “almost” 3 weeks if using the full program time, short by 3-4 days.
  4. SP Green Food: Begin taking in 2nd week after finishing the bottle of SP Cleanse.  5 capsules twice a day.
  5. We also recommend that you include some omega 3s in your program like Cod Liver Oil or Tuna Oil.  The Tuna Oil comes in the standard kit – 3 capsules twice per day. The Cod Liver Oil costs a little extra.
Do I need to exercise?

It is recommended that you walk at least 4 times per week for 30-45 minutes.  This is important to get your lymphatic system moving.  Strenuous exercise should be put on hold during the three-week period.  Consult your health care professional if you are currently on an exercise program that you would like to maintain throughout this program.

Are there any other lifestyle changes required?

It is highly recommended that you make lifestyle enhancements like rest, enemas/colonics, massage, and exercise.  These will assist in the detoxification process.

Are there any side effects with this program?

You might experience an increase in frequency and quantity of urination.  This is a normal reaction as the body begins to burn fat and natural insulin levels drop.  This will level out after a few days.  Some people notice an increase in the quantity of bowel movements.  This too is normal.  In rare instances, some people experience a throbbing sensation in the head, generalized aches, itchy skin or fatigue.  These are normal occurrences as the body detoxifies and will pass after a day or two.  If you begin to experience constipation during the program, please contact your health care professional.

What is the Email Support Program?

This program will provide daily emails with information on where you are in the program as well as some recipe ideas.  I will need your start date to enter you into the system.  Feedback on this support has been excellent!

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