Why Sleeping Less Than Seven Hours a Night Is a Recipe for Ill Health and a Shortened Life Span
Sleep is one of the most important things we can focus on (it’s free) when it comes to health, and healing your body. We have to make it a priority or other factors will force it to be one!! It’s really important to get to bed/sleep around 10:00 PM as...
Reconfirmed: Artificial Sweeteners Make You Fat and Sick
For those that still believe that “diet” drinks and foods are better for you, please read on. This article does a great job of explaining how and why artificial sweeteners cause chronic illness, weight gain and a variety of other health issues. Stevia...
Eat Dark Chocolate for Mental and Physical Benefits
Real chocolate has some amazing health benefits…in moderation of course. The important thing is that you’re eating the real thing and not a bunch of refined sugar, fat and chemicals (unfortunately most of the chocolate candy that we see). Look for...