Everything Is in Divine Order
The storms of life can be quite challenging, and it is sometimes difficult to realize that we can’t control them, and that they will pass! At times like this, we must have faith that there is a bigger vision in play than we can see. It is during the most...
Root Canals
For anyone that’s been to more than 5 MDs and can’t find the source of your health issue, please consider looking at your teeth! As the article mentions, all of the acupuncture energy channels (meridians) run through the teeth, and the combination of...
Empowering Your Health: Beyond Monsanto, Rockefeller and the American Medical Association
I remember the first time I read about this in one of my favorite books from my doctorate program – When Healing Becomes a Crime. It describes the history of the medical industry and how we began down this path of Western Medicine. I also remember...